Making Clouds Of Thought

MCOT's goal is to remind us of the bond that ties humans and nature together as one.
Check our 'For Hire' Page above for our painting services.
10% of profit on every item sold is donated directly to a related cause. Right now, all donated money will be put towards either:
1. Building organic garden boxes for students in Charlotte, North Carolina. We look forward to sharing our first garden project with you as soon as we raise enough to fund it!
2. Preserving and recreating coral reef ecosystems organized by Coral Gardeners.
Making Clouds of Thought would love to utilize their painting + graphic designing methods to assist with bringing your project visually to life.
Please contact MCOT by email:
Instagram: makingcloudsofthought_
Mural Painter, 3D Sculptor +
Modeler + Animator, Logo designer, and Live Visuals Provider
Zbrush, Autodesk MAYA, Resolume, Synesthesia.live, PhotoShop, AfterEffects, Premiere Pro